"Wondrous Cold': Burke exhibit shows there's much more to Antarctica than penguins. "The Myers collection, 50 photographs organized by the Smithsonian Institution, provides several levels of context for our presence in Antarctica."– Seattle Times "Find icy beauty" at Museum of the Gulf Coast by Cheryle Winkleman, The Enterprise 01/20/2008 "It's not easy taking pictures when you're at the South Pole." LensWork Extended #71 has created a 62 page pdf portfolio of "Wondrous Cold" images with an audio interview which is available by going to the LensWork website and ordering a copy. The work also appears in their print version, LensWork 71, Jul-Aug 2007. Powerful Encounters, Thursday, November 23, 2006 (NYC) Radio Interview with Leonard Lopate "... a photographer tells us about her trip to one of the most hostile climates on Earth: Antarctica." The Geographical Society of Philadelphia hosts Ms. Myers as she gives a multimedia presentation October 19, 2006 (pdf press release) Alaska Airline, May 2006, article featuring "Wondrous Cold Exhibition." Wondrous Cold, the companion book to the SITES exhibition, May-September 2006, at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, features more than 180 of Myers' captivating color and black-and-white photographs. Wondrous Cold: An Antarctic Journey received an Honorable Mention from the American Association of Museums' 2006 Publications Competition. "Into the very soul of cold", a review of "Antarctica, A Group Exhibition" at the Bulger Gallery "A World Apart", Mike Crawford talks to Joan Myers about photographing the extraordinary landscape of the Antarctic, Black / White Photography, March 2006, Issue 57. 2003 Eliot Porter Prize Award from the New Mexico Council on Photography "Still Life", Stanford Magazine, March/April 2005 article Camera Arts article on Joan Myers